Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Verbalising importance of supply chain management in access to health services A. Ghaffar 2023-08-08 Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice Health systems strengthening
Survival analysis of all critically ill patients with COVID-19 admitted to the main hospital in Mogadishu, Somalia, 30 March–12 June 2020: which interventions are proving effective in fragile states? M. M. Ali 2023-08-08 International Journal of Infectious Diseases Somalia COVID-19
Strengthening health systems globally: a lingering challenge of funding V. Lin 2023-08-08 Public Health Research and Practice Health systems strengthening
Are we making the same mistakes in fighting COVID‑19 as in past pandemics? Lessons from HIV show the urgent need to invest in HPSR D. Stuckler 2023-08-08 Public Health Research and Practice Health policy, Health systems strengthening
Domestic funding for health policy and systems research: why is it invisible? G. Lamba 2023-08-08 Public Health Research and Practice Health policy, Health systems strengthening, Health financing
Health policy and systems research: an inconsistent priority in South East Asia M. R. Mathur 2023-08-08 Public Health Research and Practice Health policy, Health systems strengthening
Funding for health policy and systems research in the Eastern Mediterranean region: amount, source and key determinants M. E. Rabbat 2023-08-08 Public Health Research and Practice Health policy, Health systems strengthening
Soviet legacy is still pervasive in health policy and systems research in the post-Soviet states G. Gotsadze 2023-08-08 Public Health Research and Practice Health policy, Health systems strengthening
Politics and political determinants of health policy and systems research funding in Latin America and the Caribbean F. Becerra-Posada 2023-08-08 Public Health Research and Practice Health policy, Health systems strengthening
Challenges and opportunities for health policy and systems research funding in the Western Pacific region S. K. Khor 2023-08-08 Public Health Research and Practice Health policy, Health systems strengthening