Domestic funding for health policy and systems research: why is it invisible?

Journal article

This study aimed to understand how, and how much, HPSR is funded domestically in LMICs. It explores challenges associated with estimating HPSR funding and suggests strategies to improve domestic support for HPSR. This paper reviewed regional technical reports commissioned by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, which studied domestic HPSR funding through desk reviews and key informant interviews. Data were qualitatively and quantitatively analysed and findings were triangulated. The paper also conducted a separate bibliometric analysis to understand HPSR capacity. And they concluded that domestic funding flows for HPSR remain almost invisible. This finding informs concrete recommendations to improve HPSR funding transparency, and for national research funders and ministries of health and finance to invest in HPSR for stronger health systems.


Lamba, G., Livia D.Z, Solip H, and Sonam Y. Domestic funding for health policy and systems research: why is it invisible? Public Health Res Pract. 31(4):e3142117 (2021).