Health policy and systems research: an inconsistent priority in South East Asia

Journal article

The authors conducted an in-depth desk review to obtain a general overview of HPSR in the five SEARO member countries. The review findings were used to frame a discussion guide for semi-structured interviews with key policy makers, health system experts and academics in the intervention countries. Thailand is the only country among those studied with a well-established institution dedicated to HPSR. India, Sri Lanka, Republic of Maldives and Nepal are still lagging in providing a solid foundation for HPSR. Most of the countries lack a common definition of HPSR and a dedicated stream for HPSR funding. There is also a lack of local capacity to independently lead and conduct HPSR in most of the study countries.


Mathur, M.R, Aayushi G, Sakthivel S, and K Srinath R. Health policy and systems research: an inconsistent priority in South East Asia. Public Health Res Pract. 31(4):3142118 (2021).