Challenges and opportunities for health policy and systems research funding in the Western Pacific region

Journal article

This study examined how health policy and systems research (HPSR) is funded in eight countries and areas in the World Health Organization Western Pacific Region (WPRO). The aim of the research is to provide a guide for HPSR practitioners and organisations to understand the landscape of research funding priorities across the WPRO and to inform demand generation and advocacy activities for HPSR funding and output. The findings showed that there are four main characteristics of HPSR funding in the WPRO: 1) a general absence of studies on HPSR funding and its determinants; 2) no universally accepted understanding of HPSR; 3) an absence of granular health research funding data in general and for HPSR in particular; and 4) HPSR funding is generally perceived to be minimal.


Khor, S. K. Challenges and opportunities for health policy and systems research funding in the Western Pacific region. Public Health Res Pract. 31(4):e3142123 (2021).