Funding for health policy and systems research in the Eastern Mediterranean region: amount, source and key determinants

Journal article

The main purpose of the paper is to provide an overview of the current state of funding for health policy and systems research (HPSR) on a national level across the Eastern Mediterranean region (EMR), and to examine the key factors influencing funding for HPSR in the region. The results show that national funding for research and development (R&D) in general, and for health research in particular, has been low in comparative terms and lagging behind at the global scale, while funding for HPSR has been lacking on a national level. None of the 22 EMR countries studied had explicit national funding or a budget line for HPSR. Findings from the interviews identified several factors influencing investment in or funding for HPSR in the EMR.


Rabbat, M. E, Fadi E. J, Racha F, Sameh S, Elham A, Elsheikh B, and Jennifer D. Funding for health policy and systems research in the Eastern Mediterranean region: amount, source and key determinants. Public Health Res Pract. 31(4):e3142119 (2021).