Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Embedded primary health care research: Asking policy-makers the questions 2023-08-08 Primary health care systems
Community Engagement to Tackle COVID-19 in the Slums of Mumbai P. Venkatachalam 2020-07-29 Bridgespan website India COVID-19
Public health strategies for the gradual lifting of the public sector lockdown in Jordan and the United Arab Emirates during the COVID-19 crisis R. AlQutob 2023-08-08 JMIR Public Health and Surveillance Jordan, United Arab Emirates COVID-19
Comparative analysis of country-level enablers, barriers and recommendations to strengthen institutional capacity for evidence uptake in decision-making M. J. Schleiff 2023-08-08 Chile, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa, Sri Lanka Evidence-based policy, Capacity strengthening
Four young professionals join the Alliance Alliance for HPSR 2023-08-08 Capacity strengthening
Health system decision-makers at the helm of implementation research: development of a framework to evaluate the processes and effectiveness of embedded approaches N. I. Varallyay 2023-08-08 Implementation research, Embedded research
Healthier societies for healthy populations A. Nordstrom 2023-08-08 The Lancet Non-communicable diseases
Addressing Governance Challenges and Capacities in Ministries of Health V. Sriram 2023-08-08 Health Governance Collaborative website Governance and accountability
The bumpy road to better health: How embedded research strengthened health services in Ghana Alliance for HPSR 2020-04-30 Alliance Website Ghana Primary health care systems, Embedded research
Embedding research for health system strengthening: Five steps Ghana took to infuse evidence into its primary health care system Alliance for HPSR 2020-04-30 Alliance Website Ghana Embedded research