Embedded primary health care research: Asking policy-makers the questions

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What are the priority challenges being faced by policy- and decision-makers as they work to maintain primary health care (PHC) services while responding to the COVID-19 crisis? Uncovering the answer to that question for policy-makers across Asia and the Pacific is at the heart of an initiative that the Alliance has launched with several partner organizations. This new initiative – Embedded primary health care research to engage communities and build learning health systems – is being spearheaded by the WHO Science Division and the Alliance, in partnership with the WHO Special Programme on Primary Health Care, the South-East Asia Regional Office of WHO, the Western Pacific Regional Office of WHO, UNICEF and the United Nations University International Institute for Global Health. Two regional consultations with policy-makers representing more than 20 countries were held in early July, followed by a synthesis consultation bringing together participants from the regional consultations with other high-level participants to agree an action plan and to reconfirm commitments to embedded research on primary health care.


Alliance for HPSR (2020) Embedded primary health care research: Asking policy-makers the questions. Geneva, Swtizerland: WHO. https://www.who.int/alliance-hpsr/news/2020/embedded-phc-research-asking-policy-makers/en/