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Healthier societies for healthy populations
Action is needed in all these areas, but there have been inadequate improvements to people's living, working, and social conditions over time, which are so key to health and wellbeing. To achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3—to ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages—and help achieve other SDGs, WHO aims to address three interlinked goals: to keep people healthy, to achieve universal health coverage, and to manage health emergencies. The first goal of keeping people healthy requires drastic changes to make societies safer, cleaner, and more supportive. Yet, previous attempts to address these challenges remain unfulfilled and there is no consensus on how to create and sustain healthy populations.
Healthier Societies for Healthy Populations Group. (2020) Healthier societies for healthy populations. The Lancet 395 (10239, P1747-1749). DOI: