Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
External review 2014 L. Ollier 2023-08-08 Alliance Website Evaluations
Health policy and systems research: building momentum and community A. Ghaffar 2023-08-08 Bulletin of the World Health Organization Evidence-based policy
Strategies for Expanding Health Insurance Coverage for Vulnerable Populations: A Descriptive Systematic Review L. Jia 2014-11-26 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Health financing
Constraints to applying systems thinking concepts in health systems: A regional perspective from Eastern Mediterranean Countries F. El-Jardali 2023-08-08 International Journal of Health Policy and Management Systems thinking
Medicines in Health Systems: Advancing access, affordability and appropriate use. 4th Alliance Flagship Report M. Bigdeli 2023-08-08 Alliance Website Access to medicines
Participatory action research in health systems: a methods reader R. Loewenson 2014-09-30 Alliance Website Evidence-based policy
Evidence on access to medicines for chronic diseases from household surveys in five low- and middle-income countries C. E. Vialle-Valentin 2023-08-09 Health Policy and Planning Uganda, Jordan Access to medicines
Towards people-centred health systems: a multi-level framework for analysing primary health care governance in low-and middle-income countries S. Abimbola 2023-08-08 Health Policy and Planning Primary health care systems
‘Your health our concern, our health whose concern?’: perceptions of injustice in organizational relationships and processes and frontline health worker motivation in Ghana M. Aberese-Ako 2023-08-08 Health Policy and Planning Ghana Human resources for health
Explorations on people centeredness in health systems K. Sheikh 2023-08-08 Health Policy and Planning Evidence-based policy