Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of health benefit packages in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review protocol F. El-Jardali 2023-08-09 PROSPERO Database Evidence synthesis
Pharmaceutical policies: effects of cap and co-payment on rational use of medicines (Review) V. L. Luiza 2023-08-08 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Medicines
Impact of media on health policy making: a systematic review protocol E. A. Akl 2023-08-08 PROSPERO Database Evidence-based policy
Strengthening capacity to apply health research evidence in policy making: experience from four countries S. Hawkes 2023-08-08 Health Policy and Planning Capacity strengthening
Ante natal care (ANC) utilization, dietary practices and nutritional outcomes in pregnant and recently delivered women in urban slums of Delhi, India: an exploratory cross-sectional study S. Ghosh-Jerath 2023-08-08 Reproductive Health India Maternal and child health
Annual report: building momentum and community Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research 2023-08-08 Alliance Website Annual report
Interventions to combat or prevent drug counterfeiting: a systematic review F. El-Jardali 2023-08-08 BMJ Open Medicines
Medical expenditure analysis of different medical insurances in Hangzhou and Baoji D. Pan 2023-08-08 Chinese Health Resources China Health financing
Farmácia Popular Program: changes in geographic accessibility of medicines during ten years of a medicine subsidy policy in Brazil I. C. Emmerick 2023-08-08 Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice Brazil Access to medicines
Medicines and universal health coverage: challenges and opportunities M. Bigdeli 2023-08-08 Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice Universal health coverage