Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Access to medicines in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC): a scoping study I. C. Emmerick 2023-08-08 BMJ Open Access to medicines
Analyzing the sources and nature of influence: how the Avahan program used evidence to influence HIV/AIDS prevention policy in India N. T. Tran 2023-08-08 Implementation Science India Health policy
Intention to stay of Nurses in current posts in difficult-to-staff areas of Yemen, Jordan, Lebanon and Qatar: A Cross-sectional study F. El-Jardali 2013-03-29 International Journal of Nursing Human resources for health
Health System Barriers to Access and Use of Magnesium Sulfate for Women with Severe Pre-Eclampsia and Eclampsia in Pakistan: Evidence for Policy and Practice M. Bigdeli 2013-03-26 PLoS ONE Pakistan Access to medicines
Annual report: coming together as a community Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research 2023-08-08 Alliance Website Annual report
Assessment of organizational capacity for evidence-based health systems operations in Nigeria C. J. Uneke 2023-08-08 Social Work in Public Health Nigeria Capacity strengthening
Maternal health system problems in maternal mortality high incidence states in Mexico M. Rouvier 2023-08-08 Salud Pública de México Mexico Maternal and child health
Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of doctor-nurse substitution strategies in primary care: qualitative evidence synthesis A. Rashidian 2013-02-28 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Human resources for health
Which doctor for primary health care? Quality of care and non-physician clinicians in India K. D. Rao 2023-08-08 Social Science and Medicine India Primary health care systems
Promotion of access to essential medicines for noncommunicable diseases: practical implications of the UN Political Declaration H. V. Hogerzeil 2023-08-08 The Lancet Access to medicines