Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of doctor-nurse substitution strategies in primary care: qualitative evidence synthesis

Journal article

The aim of this article is to identify factors influencing implementation of interventions to substitute doctors with nurses in primary care, to explore how our synthesis findings related to, and helped to explain, the findings of the Cochrane intervention review of the effectiveness of substituting doctors with nurses and to identify hypotheses for subgroup analyses for future updates of the Cochrane intervention review.


Rashidian A, Shakibazadeh E, Karimi-Shahanjarini A, Glenton C, Noyes J, Lewin S et al. Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of doctor-nurse substitution strategies in primary care: qualitative evidence synthesis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2013;(2). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD010412