Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
The Implementation of Social and Behavior Change Communication Intervention to Improve Immunization Demand: A qualitative study in Awabel District, Northwest Ethiopia G. Bayih 2023-08-09 Ethiopian Journal of Health Development Ethiopia Embedded research, Implementation research
Immunization data quality and factors influencing data generation, handling and use in Wogera District, Northern Ethiopia, 2020 T. H. Madebo 2023-08-09 Ethiopian Journal of Health Development Ethiopia Embedded research, Implementation research
How to optimize Immunization Supply Management at different levels of the health system in Oromia Region? An implementation science research B. F. Endehabtu 2023-08-09 Ethiopian Journal of Health Development Ethiopia Embedded research, Implementation research
How to optimize health facilities and community linkage in order to enhance immunization service? The case of West Amhara Region, Ethiopia M. Kerebih 2023-08-09 Ethiopian Journal of Health Development Ethiopia Embedded research, Implementation research
Women's Independent Household Decision Making Power and its influence on their Autonomy in relation to Child Vaccinations: a mixed-method study among Women of Reproductive Age in Northwest Ethiopia A. A. Gelagay 2023-08-09 Ethiopian Journal of Health Development Ethiopia Embedded research, Implementation research
Strategies to revitalize immunization service provision in urban settings of Ethiopia Z. A. Mekonnen 2023-08-09 Ethiopian Journal of Health Development Ethiopia Embedded research, Implementation research
Rapid research responders: The life-saving power of embedded research Alliance for HPSR 2023-08-08 Alliance Website India, Georgia Evidence synthesis
Strengthening health systems: the role of drug shops Z. C. Shroff 2023-08-08 Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice Health systems strengthening
Role of small private drug shops in malaria and tuberculosis programs in Myanmar: a cross-sectional study M. M. Thet 2023-08-08 Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice Myanmar Health systems strengthening
Finding the right balance: implementation of public–private partnership in artemisinin-based combination therapy provision in Manokwari, Indonesia A. Ferdiana 2023-08-08 Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice Indonesia Health systems strengthening