Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Co-learning during the co-creation of a dengue early warning system for the health sector in Barbados A. M. Stewart-Ibarra 2023-08-08 BMJ Global Health Barbados Communicable diseases, Health information systems
Describing and mapping scientific articles on alcohol globally for the period 2010–2021: a bibliometric analysis L. Jaeger 2023-08-08 BMJ Open
Framing rehabilitation through health policy and systems research: priorities for strengthening rehabilitation A. Cieza 2023-08-08 Health Research Policy and Systems Rehabilitation
Using and improving the PHISICC paper-based tools in the health facility laboratories: Examples of Human Centered Design taking systems thinking into practice, in Côte d'Ivoire and Nigeria N. Ekpenyong 2023-08-08 Frontiers in Public Health Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire Health information systems, Systems thinking
The African Health Initiative’s Role in Advancing the Use of Embedded Implementation Research for Health Systems Strengthening A. Ghaffar 2023-08-08 Global Health: Science and Practice Embedded research
Health Policy and Systems Research Capacities in Ethiopia and Ghana: Findings From a Self-Assessment V. Tangcharoensathien 2023-08-08 Global Health: Science and Practice Ghana, Ethiopia Evidence-based policy
The challenge of ensuring elderly people can access their health insurance entitlements: a mixed methods study on the Republic of Srpska’s Protector of Patients’ Health Insurance Entitlements S. Stojisavljević 2023-08-08 BMJ Global Health Bosnia and Herzegovina Health financing
“You Can’t Look at an Orange and Draw a Banana”: Using Research Evidence to Develop Relevant Health Policy in Ghana A. A. Bawah 2023-08-08 Global Health: Science and Practice Ghana Learning health systems
The Use of Research for Health Systems Policy Development and Implementation in Mozambique: A Descriptive Study M. I. Cambe 2023-08-08 Global Health: Science and Practice Mozambique Learning health systems
Lessons learnt of the COVID-19 contact tracing strategy in Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan using systems thinking processes S. Zafar 2023-08-08 Frontiers in Public Health Pakistan COVID-19, Communicable diseases, Systems thinking