Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Introduction to the Special Issue on “Analysing the Politics of Health Policy Change in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: The HPA Fellowship Programme 2017-2019 L. Gilson 2021-04-26 International Journal of Health Policy and Management Health policy analysis, Health policy
Engaging globally with how to achieve healthy societies: insights from India, Latin America and East and Southern Africa R. Loewenson 2023-08-08 BMJ Global Health India, Zimbabwe, Peru Non-communicable diseases
2020 annual report for the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research Alliance for HPSR 2023-08-08 Alliance Website
Public health education post-COVID-19: a proposal for critical revisions A. Ghaffar 2023-08-08 BMJ Global Health Capacity strengthening
Build back fairer: achieving health equity in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: report of the commission on social determinants of health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region – executive summary Commission on Social Determinants of Health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region 2021-03-31 WHO EMRO Social determinants of health
Build back fairer: Achieving health equity in the Eastern Mediterranean Region 2021-03-31 Reliefweb Social determinants of health
Build back fairer: achieving health equity in the Eastern Mediterranean region of WHO M. Marmot 2021-03-30 The Lancet Social determinants of health
The rise and fall of global health issues: an arenas model applied to the COVID-19 pandemic shock S. Smith 2021-03-29 Globalization and Health Health policy, Health policy analysis
COVID-19 pandemic: a unique opportunity to ‘build back fairer’ and reduce health inequities in the Eastern Mediterranean Region A. Al-Mandhari 2021-03-25 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal Social determinants of health
How whole-of-government responses to COVID-19 inform broader action on the health and well-being agenda: Lessons from the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region Alliance for HPSR 2023-08-08 Alliance Website Egypt, Pakistan, Iran, Islamic Republic of Governance and accountability, Multisectoral collaboration