2020 annual report for the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research

Project document

2020 was a year like no other. During the last year, the Alliance not only re-programmed some of its work to support the response to COVID-19, it also continued its long-term initiatives to build the field of HPSR. Last year, the Alliance supported 18 ongoing projects, representing 145 grants across 38 countries. Find out more about these projects and how they are supporting the development of the field of health policy and systems research in this year's annual report. The report is organized around our core objectives: working together, empowering leaders, advancing knowledge and informing policy. We also look at our immediate response to the COVID pandemic, and explore how our investments have supported greater capacity for health policy and systems research in Ethiopia. Our annual report is available in multiple formats. It can be downloaded as a PDF or an interactive version can be viewed online.


2020 annual report of the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.