Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Human resources for health challenges of public health system reform in Georgia M. Djibuti 2008-05-27 Human Resources for Health Georgia Human resources for health
Annual report: riding a wave of change Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research 2023-08-08 Alliance Website Annual report
Salaries and incomes of health workers in sub-Saharan Africa D. McCoy 2023-08-09 The Lancet Human resources for health
Effects of policy options for human resources for health: an analysis of systematic reviews M. Chopra 2023-08-09 The Lancet Human resources for health
Staffing remote rural areas in middle- and low-income countries: A literature review of attraction and retention U. Lehmann 2023-08-09 BMC Health Services Research Human resources for health
Study on the Role of Financial Risk Pooling of Different Health Security Mechanisms in Low and Middle Income Counties B. R. Yu 2023-08-08 Chinese Journal of Evidence-Base Medicine Health financing
Strengthening health-economics capability in Africa: summary and outcomes of a regional consultation of experts and policy-makers D. McIntyre 2023-08-08 WHO IRIS Health systems strengthening
Social inequalities, healthcare and well-being: opportunities and obstacles on the horizon of transversal public policies R. Magalhaes 2023-08-08 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva Equity
Policy networks in the fight against hunger and poverty. The Solidary Community strategy L. Burlandy 2023-08-08 Ciência & Saude Coletiva Brazil Health policy
Social inequalities, healthcare and well-being: opportunities and obstacles on the horizon of transversal public policies R. Magalhaes 2023-08-08 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva Equity