Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Sometimes Resigned, Sometimes Conflicted, and Mostly Risk Averse: Primary Care Doctors in India as Street Level Bureaucrats S. Ramani 2020-10-28 International Journal of Health Policy and Management India Health policy, Health policy analysis, Primary health care systems
Application of “Actor Interface Analysis” to Examine Practices of Power in Health Policy Implementation: An Interpretive Synthesis and Guiding Steps R. Parashar 2023-08-08 International Journal of Health Policy and Management Health policy analysis
What role can health policy and systems research play in supporting responses to COVID-19 that strengthen socially just health systems? L. Gilson 2023-08-08 Health Policy and Planning
Sustainability in the prevention of chronic diseases: lessons from the Salud al Paso program in Ecuador F. Sacoto 2023-08-08 Pan American Journal of Public Health Ecuador Evaluations
On the path to Universal Health Coverage: aligning ongoing health systems reforms in India Z. C. Shroff 2020-09-30 BMJ Global Health India Health financing, Universal health coverage
Policy brief: An assessment of knowledge, attitudes, perception and practice (KAPP) about COVID-19 among the Kenyan population 2020-09-29 Afidep website Kenya COVID-19
Policy Adoption and the Implementation Woes of the Intersectoral First 1000 Days of Childhood Initiative, In the Western Cape Province of South Africa I. Okeyo 2023-08-08 International Journal of Health Policy and Management South Africa Maternal and child health, Health policy analysis
Achieving health for all: Primary health care in action D. Bishai 2023-08-08 Johns Hopkins University Press Botswana, Angola, Mozambique, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Cuba, Viet Nam Primary health care systems, SDGs, Universal health coverage
What we know and don’t know about the immunization program of Ethiopia: a scoping review of the literature B. Tilahun 2023-08-08 BMC Public Health Ethiopia Infectious diseases
Towards an Explanation of the Social Value of Health Systems: An Interpretive Synthesis E. B. Whyle 2020-08-26 International Journal of Health Policy and Management Health policy analysis, Systems thinking