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Achieving health for all: Primary health care in action
How did seven low- and middle-income countries, inspired by the landmark Alma-Ata Declaration, dramatically improve citizen health by focusing on primary health care?
Achieving Health for All reveals how, inspired by Alma-Ata, the governments of seven countries executed comprehensive primary health care systems, deploying new cadres of community-based health workers to bring relevant services to ordinary households. Drawing on a set of narrative case studies from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Nepal, Ghana, Sri Lanka, and Viet Nam, the book explains how a primary health care focus succeeded in improving population health. The book also conclusively demonstrates that comprehensive, multi-sector, community-controlled, and population-level primary health care is a viable strategy that, against the odds, has led to sustainable, scalable good health at lower cost.
Bishai, D. and M. Shleiff, eds. (2020) Achieving health for all: Primary health care in action. Baltimore, MD, USA: Johns Hopkins University Press.