Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Are We Growing the Right Health Services Research Workforce of the Future? Thoughts from a National Delivery System D. Atkins 2023-08-08 Health Services Research Human resources for health
Show Me the Money! Trends in Funding for Health Services Research L. Simpson 2023-08-08 Health Services Research Human resources for health
Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research’s Health Systems Leaders programme D. Javadi 2023-08-08 EV4GH Newsletter
Primary health care systems (PRIMASYS): comprehensive case study from Ghana E. E. A. Agongo 2018-08-31 Alliance Website Ghana Primary health care systems
Primary health care systems (PRIMASYS): comprehensive case study from Indonesia M. Claramita 2018-08-31 Alliance Website Indonesia Primary health care systems
Primary health care systems (PRIMASYS): comprehensive case study from Lebanon F. El-Jardali 2018-08-31 Alliance Website Lebanon Primary health care systems
Health systems research on access to medicines: unpacking challenges in implementing policies in the face of the epidemiological transition M. Bigdeli 2018-08-30 BMJ Global Health Access to medicines
Standardising evidence strength grading for recommendations from multiple clinical practice guidelines: a South African case study K. Grimmer 2018-08-29 Implementation Science South Africa Evidence synthesis
Health policy and systems research: the future of the field D. H. Peters 2023-08-09 Health Research Policy and Systems Health policy
Advancing the science behind human resources for health: highlights from the Health Policy and Systems Research Reader on Human Resources for Health A. S. George 2023-08-08 Health Research Policy and Systems Human resources for health