Advancing the science behind human resources for health: highlights from the Health Policy and Systems Research Reader on Human Resources for Health

Journal article

Building on the recently published Health Policy and Systems Research Reader on Human Resources for Health (the Reader), this commentary reflects on the added value of HPSR underpinning HRH. HPSR does so by strengthening the multi-disciplinary base and rigour of HRH research by (1) valuing diverse research inferences and (2) deepening research enquiry and quality. It also anchors the relevance of HRH research for HRH policy and practice by (3) broadening conceptual boundaries and (4) strengthening policy engagement.


George AS, Campbell J, Ghaffar A. Advancing the science behind human resources for health: highlights from the Health Policy and Systems Research Reader on Human Resources for Health. Health research policy and systems. 2018;16(1):80. doi: 10.1186/s12961-018-0346-5