Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Pay-for-Performance Debate: Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees A. Soucat 2023-08-08 Health Systems and Reform Health financing
National Scale-Up of Results-Based Financing in Primary Health Care: The Case of Armenia V. Petrosyan 2017-03-27 Health Systems and Reform Armenia Health financing
From Scheme to System (Part 1): Notes on Conceptual and Methodological Innovations in the Multicountry Research Program on Scaling Up Results-Based Financing in Health Systems B. Meessen 2017-03-27 Health Systems and Reform Health financing
Transferring the Purchasing Role from International to National Organizations During the Scale-Up Phase of Performance-Based Financing in Cameroon I. Sieleunou 2023-08-08 Health Systems and Reform Cameroon Health financing
Taking Results-Based Financing from Scheme to System Z. C. Shroff 2023-08-08 Health Systems and Reform Health financing
From Scheme to System (Part 2): Findings from Ten Countries on the Policy Evolution of Results-Based Financing in Health Systems Z. C. Shroff 2023-08-08 Health Systems and Reform Health financing
Health workers and the weaponisation of health care in Syria: a preliminary inquiry for The Lancet–American University of Beirut Commission on Syria F. M. Fouad 2023-08-08 The Lancet Syrian Arab Republic Human resources for health
Payment methods for ambulatory care facilities B. Yuan 2023-08-08 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Health financing
Factors Driving Changes in the Design, Implementation, and Scaling-Up of the Contracting of Health Services in Rural Cambodia, 1997–2015 K. Khim 2023-08-08 Health Systems and Reform Cambodia Implementation research
Pharmacists’ views and reported practices in relation to a new generic drug substitution policy in Lebanon: a mixed methods study F. El-Jardali 2023-08-08 Implementation Science Lebanon Access to medicines