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From Scheme to System (Part 1): Notes on Conceptual and Methodological Innovations in the Multicountry Research Program on Scaling Up Results-Based Financing in Health Systems
This article presents conceptual and methodological developments made in analyzing the scale up of results-based financing (RBF) as part of a multi-country research program supported by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research. Following a brief overview of the research process, the article proposes a new five-dimensional conceptualization of scale-up (population coverage, service coverage, health system integration, cross-sectoral diffusion, and knowledge expansion) to capture various facets of RBF scale-up. It also presents how Walt and Gilson's health policy triangle framework was modified to identify the enablers and barriers to scale-up in the country case studies included in this research program. The article then puts forth a four-phase model of scale-up, including phases of generation, adoption, institutionalization, and expansion, developed for the purpose of this research program. The article concludes by providing some lessons learned on the use of the methods and theoretical frameworks developed for this multi-country research program.
Meessen B, Shroff Z, Bigdeli M. From scheme to system (part 1): notes on conceptual and methodological innovations in the multi-country research program on scaling up results-based financing in health systems. Health Systems and Reform. 2017;3(2):129-136. doi:10.1080/23288604.2017.1303561