Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
What I learnt from my first health system research project P. Aivalli 2023-08-08 BMC Blog Central Evaluations
Where is the policy in health policy and systems research agenda? A. Ghaffar 2023-08-08 Bulletin of the World Health Organization Evidence-based policy
Enhancing evidence informed policymaking in complex health systems: lessons from multi-site collaborative approaches E. V. Langlois 2023-08-08 Health Research Policy and Systems Health policy
Utilización del conocimiento tácito por proveedores de atención a la salud materna: mapeo sistemático de la literatura Utilization of tacit knowledge by maternal healthcare providers: a systematic mapping of literatura E. C. Espinosa 2023-08-08 Gaceta Sanitaria Human resources for health
Challenges of medicines management in the public and private sector under Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme – A qualitative study P. Ashigbie 2023-08-09 Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice Ghana Medicines
Knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes of physicians in low and middle-income countries regarding interacting with pharmaceutical companies: a systematic review T. Lotfi 2023-08-08 BMC Health Services Research Human resources for health
Managing non-communicable diseases at health district level in Cambodia: a systems analysis and suggestions for improvement B. Jacobs 2016-01-27 BMC Health Services Research Cambodia Non-communicable diseases
Access to Treatment for Diabetes and Hypertension in Rural Cambodia: Performance of Existing Social Health Protection Schemes M. Bigdeli 2016-01-27 PLoS ONE Cambodia Non-communicable diseases
Refugees: towards better access to health-care services E. V. Langlois 2023-08-09 The Lancet Access to health care
Patient-centred innovation to ensure access to diabetes care in Cambodia: the case of MoPoTsyo J. van Olmen 2023-08-08 Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice Cambodia Non-communicable diseases