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Managing non-communicable diseases at health district level in Cambodia: a systems analysis and suggestions for improvement
Cambodia developed its public health system gearing its services towards managing communicable diseases and MCH issues, leaving it ill-equipped to deal with NCDs which have emerged as a leading cause of mortality. The paper assesses the current capacity of the Cambodian district health system to manage hypertension and diabetes, with a focus on access to medicines for these chronic conditions. Based on key informant interviews and facility assessment for the availability of drugs, tools and equipment to diagnose and address the two conditions, the study found that the district health system and referral practices were inadequately developed to effectively deal with the situation. The supply of medicines was erratic, undermining the ability to provide adequate quantities of medicines, a central strategy to improve patient compliance.
Jacobs B, Hill P, Bigdeli M, Men C. Managing non-communicable diseases at health district level in Cambodia: a systems analysis and suggestions for improvement. BMC Health Services Research. 2016;16(32). doi:10.1186/s12913-016-1286-9