Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Goal setting and knowledge generation through health policy and systems research in low- and middle-income countries J. Xue 2023-08-08 Health Research Policy and Systems Evidence-based policy
Health systems research in the time of health system reform in India: a review K. D. Rao 2023-08-08 Health Research Policy and Systems India Health systems strengthening
Advancing the application of systems thinking in health: understanding the dynamics of neonatal mortality in Uganda A. S. Rwashana 2023-08-08 Health Research Policy and Systems Uganda Systems thinking
Advancing the application of systems thinking in health: provider payment and service supply behaviour and incentives in the Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme – a systems approach I. A. Agyepong 2023-08-08 Health Research Policy and Systems Ghana Systems thinking
Working with non-state providers in post-conflict and fragile states in primary healthcare service delivery: a systematic review (Protocol) E. Obuku 2023-08-08 EPPI-Centre Primary health care systems
Inclusion of private sector in district health systems; case study of private drug shops implementing modified Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) strategy in Rural Uganda F. Kitutu 2023-08-08 BMC Health Services Research Uganda Non-state sector
Legislative, educational, policy and other interventions targeting physicians’ interaction with pharmaceutical companies: a systematic review L. Alkhaled 2023-08-08 BMJ Open Medicines
Accelerating progress on women’s and children’s health C. Presern 2023-08-08 Bulletin of the World Health Organization Maternal and child health
Stakeholders’ perspectives on access-to-medicines policy and research priorities in Latin America and the Caribbean: face-to-face and web-based interviews T. B. Azeredo 2014-06-25 Health Research Policy and Systems Research and policy priorities
What interventions are effective on reducing inequalities in maternal and child health in low- and middle-income settings? A systematic review B. Yuan 2023-08-08 BMC Public Health Maternal and child health