Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Health systems, systems thinking and innovation R. Atun 2012-09-25 Health Policy and Planning Systems thinking
Evaluating health systems strengthening interventions in low-income and middle-income countries: are we asking the right questions? T. Adam 2012-09-25 Health Policy and Planning Evaluations
Systems thinking for strengthening health systems in LMICs: need for a paradigm shift T. Adam 2012-09-25 Health Policy and Planning Evaluations
Introducing vouchers for malaria prevention in Ghana and Tanzania: context and adoption of innovation in health systems D. de Savigny 2012-09-25 Health Policy and Planning Health systems strengthening
Health systems, systems thinking and innovation R. Atun 2012-09-25 Health Policy and Planning Systems thinking
The challenges of working in underserved areas: A qualitative exploratory study of views of policy makers and professionals R. F. AbuAlRub 2023-08-08 International Journal of Nursing Studies Human resources for health
The challenges of working in underserved areas: A qualitative exploratory study of views of policy makers and professionals R. F. AbuAlRub 2023-08-08 International Journal of Nursing Studies Human resources for health
Addressing the challenges of improving primary care quality in Uzbekistan: a qualitative study of Chronic Heart Failure management M. Ahmedov 2023-08-08 Health Policy and Planning Uzbekistan Primary health care systems
Preventing Maternal and Newborn Deaths Globally: Using Innovation and Science to Address Challenges in Implementing Life-Saving Interventions H. B. Peterson 2023-08-08 Obstetrics & Gynecology Maternal and child health
Bridging the divide between research and policy in Nigeria: The role of a health policy advisory committee C. J. Uneke 2023-08-09 Journal of Public Health Policy Nigeria Evidence-based policy