Preventing Maternal and Newborn Deaths Globally: Using Innovation and Science to Address Challenges in Implementing Life-Saving Interventions

Journal article

We have made important progress toward achieving Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5, with an estimated 47% decrease in maternal deaths and 28% decrease in newborn deaths globally since 1990. However, rapidly accelerating this progress is vital because far too many maternal and newborn deaths still occur each day. Fortunately, there are major initiatives underway to enhance global efforts in preventing these deaths, including the United Nations Secretary General's Global Strategy for Women's and Children's Health. We know why maternal and newborn deaths occur, where they occur, and how they occur, and we have highly effective interventions for preventing them.


Peterson HB, Haidar J, Merialdi M, Say L, Gülmezoglu AM, Fajans PJ, Mbizvo MT, Ghaffar A, Tran NT, de Bernis L, Laski L, Freedman LP, Chopra M (2012). Preventing Maternal and Newborn Deaths Globally: Using Innovation and Science to Address Challenges in Implementing Life-Saving Interventions. Obstet Gynecol, Sep;120(3):636-642