Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Empowering decision-makers: The decision-maker-led approach to Implementation Research for strengthening immunization programs and services in LMICs A. Mancuso 2023-08-08 BMC Blog Central Embedded research
A health systems resilience research agenda: moving from concept to practice D. D. Saulnier 2023-08-08 BMJ Global Health Health systems strengthening
Conflicts of interest: an invisible force shaping health systems and policies A. Rahman-Shepherd 2023-08-08 Lancet Global Health Research methods
The value and impact of embedded implementation research: insights from Latin America and the Caribbean R. Marten 2023-08-08 Pan American Journal of Public Health Embedded research
Alliance foundations in systems thinking: why then, what now? Alliance for HPSR 2021-07-27 Systems thinking
Trailer Alliance for HPSR 2021-07-27 Systems thinking
Background to systems thinking Alliance for HPSR 2021-07-27 Systems thinking
The science – and art – of systems thinking in health Alliance for HPSR 2021-07-27 Systems thinking
LMIC experiences in systems thinking Alliance for HPSR 2021-07-27 Systems thinking
Adapting public health response through lessons learnt: Nigeria’s experience from Lassa fever and COVID-19 F. Saleh 2023-08-08 BMJ Global Health Nigeria Communicable diseases, Health information systems