Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Health equity monitoring is essential in public health: lessons from Mozambique A. Llop-Girones 2023-08-08 Globalization and Health Mozambique Sustainable development goals
Health for all by all-pursuing multi-sectoral action on health for SDGs in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region A. Al-Mandhari 2023-08-08 Globalization and Health Sustainable development goals
Urban health: an example of a health in all policies approach in the context of SDGs implementation O. Ramirez-Rubio 2023-08-08 Globalization and Health Sustainable development goals
Financing intersectoral action for health: a systematic review of co-financing models F. McGuire 2023-08-08 Globalization and Health Sustainable development goals
Health care workers motivation and retention approaches of health workers in Ethiopia: a scoping review A. Taye 2023-08-08 Health Systems and Policy Research Ethiopia Sustainable development goals
How does performance-based financing affect the availability of essential medicines in Cameroon? A qualitative study I. Sieleunou 2023-08-08 Health Policy and Planning Cameroon Access to medicines
How effective are mentoring programs for improving health worker competence and institutional performance in Africa? a systematic review of quantitative evidence G. T. Feyissa 2023-08-08 Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare Sustainable development goals
Ethical considerations for health policy and systems research Alliance for HPSR 2023-08-08 Alliance Website Ethics
How healthy is a 'healthy economy'? Incompatibility between current pathways towards SDG3 and SDG8 M. Meurs 2023-08-08 Globalization and Health Sustainable development goals
Sub-national perspectives on the implementation of a national community health worker programme in Gauteng Province, South Africa S. Munshi 2019-11-28 BMJ Global Health South Africa Health workforce