Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Primary health care systems (PRIMASYS): case study from Ethiopia M. Sudhakar 2018-02-27 Alliance Website Ethiopia Primary health care systems
Primary health care systems (PRIMASYS): case study from Kenya F. Wafula 2018-02-27 Alliance Website Kenya Primary health care systems
Primary health care systems (PRIMASYS): case study from Mexico J. Alcalde-Rabanal 2018-02-27 Alliance Website Mexico Primary health care systems
Primary health care systems (PRIMASYS): case study from Nigeria B. S. C. Uzochukwu 2018-02-27 Alliance Website Nigeria Primary health care systems
Primary health care systems (PRIMASYS): comprehensive case study from Pakistan S. Zaidi 2018-02-27 Alliance Website Pakistan Primary health care systems
Primary health care systems (PRIMASYS): case study from South Africa A. McKenzie 2018-02-27 Alliance Website South Africa Primary health care systems
Annual report 2019 Alliance for HPSR 2020-03-26 Alliance Website Annual report
Health workers’ perceptions and experiences of using mHealth technologies to deliver primary healthcare services: a qualitative evidence synthesis W. Odendaal 2020-03-26 Cochrane Library mHealth
How the Alliance is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic Alliance for HPSR 2020-03-25 Alliance Website COVID-19, health emergencies
Frontline health workers in COVID-19 prevention and control: rapid evidence synthesis S. Bhaumik 2023-08-09 George Institute India website India COVID-19, community health workers