Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Predictors of defaulting from completion of child immunization in south Ethiopia, May 2008 – A case control study H. Tadesse 2023-08-09 BMC Public Health Ethiopia Maternal and child health
Construction of the food and nutrition safety policy in Brazil: strategies and challenges in the promotion of intersectorality at the federal government level L. Burlandy 2023-08-08 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva Brazil Intersectorality
Effects of changes in the pre-licensure education of health workers on health-worker supply (Review) G. W. Pariyo 2023-08-08 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Human resources for health
Annual report: building the field Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research 2009-03-31 Alliance Website Annual report
Systems thinking for health systems strengthening D. de Savigny 2009-03-31 Alliance Website Flagship report
Issues in Equitable Health Financing in South Eastern Nigeria: Socio- economic and Geographic differences in households' illness expenditures and policy makers' views on the financial protection of the poor O. E. Onwujekwe 2009-01-28 Journal of International Development Nigeria Health financing
The Effect of Social Franchising on Access to and Quality of Health Services in Low-and Middle income Countries T. P. Koehlmoos 2023-08-08 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Quality of care
Global-health research architecture--time for mergers? J. Røttingen 2023-08-08 The Lancet
Methods of Systematic Review of Health Policy Researches L. Jia 2023-08-08 Chinese Journal of Evidence-Base Medicine Health policy
Factors Determining the Health Financing Systems: A Descriptive Systematic Review L. Jia 2023-08-08 Chinese Journal of Evidence-Base Medicine Health financing