Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Why PBF Failed to Emerge on the National Policy Agenda in Chad? The Case of Non-Scale Up of a Pilot Project. (2016). Policy Brief 2023-08-08 Alliance Website Chad Results-based financing
Results Based Financing (RBF) in Armenia: A Story of Perseverance and Alignment. (2016). Policy Brief 2023-08-08 Alliance Website Armenia Results-based financing
Advanced Stages of PBF Scale-Up: Lessons Learned From Cameroon on the Transfer of the Strategic Purchasing Function to National Agencies. (2016). Policy Brief 2023-08-08 Alliance Website Cameroon Results-based financing
Strategies and Systems-Level Interventions to Combat or Prevent Drug Counterfeiting: A Systematic Review of Evidence Beyond Effectiveness R. Fadlallah 2023-08-08 Pharmaceutical Medicine Medicines
Inspiring health worker motivation with supportive supervision: a survey of lady health supervisor motivating factors in rural Pakistan F. Rabbani 2023-08-08 BMC Health Services Research Pakistan Human resources for health
Coordinating the Provision of Health Services in Humanitarian Crises: A Systematic Review of Suggested Models T. Lotfi 2023-08-08 PLoS Current Disasters Health systems strengthening
Leadership in Times of Crisis: A Personal Reflection from the Center of the Ebola Epidemic Response in Liberia T. Nyenswah 2023-08-08 Health Systems and Reform Liberia Leadership
Challenges in Implementing a Community Based Trial in a Rural Pakistani District:Lessons Learnt from Project NIGRAAN F. Rabbani 2023-08-08 Health Systems and Policy Research Pakistan Implementation research
A leadership vision for the future of Japan's health system Y. Shiozaki 2016-07-25 Health Systems and Reform Japan Leadership
Health Systems and Training Initiatives. The Keystone HPSR Short Courses: Developing Capacities for Policy Relevant Health Policy and Systems Research S. Garimella 2023-08-08 BMJ Global Health India Capacity strengthening