Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Approaches to developing the capacity of health policy analysis institutes: a comparative case study S. Bennett 2023-08-08 Health Research Policy and Systems Capacity strengthening
Annual report: responding to the needs of decision-makers Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research 2023-08-08 Alliance Website Annual report
Health Policy and Systems Research: A methodology reader L. Gilson 2023-08-08 Alliance Website Health policy
Study-design selection criteria in systematic reviews of effectiveness of health systems interventions and reforms: A meta-review P. C. Rockers 2023-08-08 Health Policy Health systems strengthening
Enhancing Leadership and Governance Competencies to Strengthen Health Systems in Nigeria: Assessment of Organizational Human Resources Development C. J. Uneke 2023-08-08 Healthcare Policy Nigeria Health systems strengthening
Evaluation of interventions on road traffic injuries in Peru: a qualitative approach L. Huicho 2023-08-09 BMC Public Health Peru Non-communicable diseases
Use of health systems and policy research evidence in the health policymaking in eastern Mediterranean countries: views and practices of researchers F. El-Jardali 2023-08-08 Implementation Science Implementation research
Health systems and institutions L. Gilson 2023-08-08 University Press Scholarship Online Health policy
I Wish I Had AIDS C. R. Men 2023-08-08 Health, Culture and Society Cambodia Access to health care
Climate for evidence-informed health systems: A profile of systematic review production in 41 low- and middle-income countries, 1996-2008 T. Law 2023-08-08 Journal of Health Services Research & Policy Evidence-based policy