Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
A scoping review about conference objectives and evaluative practices: how do we get more out of them? J. Neves 2023-08-08 Health Research Policy and Systems Evaluations
Use of health systems evidence by policymakers in eastern mediterranean countries: views, practices, and contextual influences F. El-Jardali 2023-08-08 BMC Health Services Research Evidence-based policy
Interventions for managing movement of health workers from public to private organizations in Low and middle income countries. (Protocol) E. Rutebemberwa 2023-08-08 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Human resources for health
Bridging knowledge translation gap in health in developing countries: visibility, impact and publishing standards in journals from the Eastern Mediterranean A. Utobicic 2023-08-08 BMC Medical Research Methodology Evidence-based policy
Factors associated with the Household Income of Persons Living with HIV/AIDS in China X. Zhang 2023-08-08 Global Journal of Health Science China Communicable diseases
Incentives to attract and retain the health workforce in rural areas of Peru: a qualitative study L. Huicho 2023-08-08 Cadernos de Saúde Pública Peru Human resources for health
Guidance for Evidence-Informed Policies about Health Systems: Assessing How Much Confidence to Place in the Research Evidence S. Lewin 2023-08-08 PLOS MEDICINE Evidence-based policy
Guidance for Evidence-Informed Policies about Health Systems: Linking Guidance Development to Policy Development J. N. Lavis 2023-08-08 PLOS MEDICINE Evidence-based policy
Promotion of evidence-informed health policymaking in Nigeria: bridging the gap between researchers and policymakers C. J. Uneke 2023-08-08 Global Public Health Nigeria Evidence-based policy
Guidance for Evidence-Informed Policies about Health Systems: Rationale for and Challenges of Guidance Development X. Bosch-Capblanch 2023-08-08 PLOS MEDICINE Evidence-based policy