Alliance publications list

TitleLead authorDate publishedLocationCountry/ies or territory/ies of focusTag(s)
Women, Poverty, and the Epidemic in China: Case Studies on Rural People Living with HIV/AIDS X. Wang 2023-08-08 SAGE journals China Communicable diseases
Bridging the gaps between research, policy and practice in low-and middle-income countries: a survey of health care providers J. N. Lavis 2023-08-08 Canadian Medical Association Journal Health policy
What are research priorities for human resources for health in low and middle income countries? M. K. Ranson 2023-08-08 Bulletin of the World Health Organization Human resources for health
External review: interim review 2005-2009 S. Tollman 2023-08-08 Alliance Website Evaluations
Malaria and Under-Nutrition: A Community Based Study Among Under-Five Children at Risk of Malaria, South-West Ethiopia A. Deribrew 2023-08-08 PLoS ONE Ethiopia Communicable diseases
Implementation effects of GFATM-supported HIV/AIDS projects on the health sector, civil society and affected communities in Peru 2004–2007 C. F. Cáceresa 2023-08-08 Global Public Health Peru Health policy
Effect of training on the use of long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets on the burden of malaria among vulnerable groups, south-west Ethiopia: baseline results of a cluster randomized trial A. Deribew 2023-08-08 Malaria Journal Ethiopia Communicable diseases
Efficiency, equity and feasibility of strategies to identify the poor: An application to premium exemptions under National Health Insurance in Ghana C. Jehu-Appiah 2023-08-08 Health Policy Ghana Health financing
An internal health systems research portfolio assessment of a low-income country research institution T. P. Koehlmoos 2023-08-08 Health Research Policy and Systems Capacity strengthening
We noticed that suddenly the country has become full of MRI. Policy makers' views on diffusion and use of health technologies in Iran M. Palesh 2023-08-08 Health Research Policy and Systems Iran, Islamic Republic of Health technology