Annual report: strengthening health systems: what works?

Project document

The Alliance has forged ahead in advocating and demonstrating the value of health policy and systems research (HPSR) to improved decision making, addressing all three areas of the generation of knowledge, the promotion, dissemination and use of knowledge, and the strengthening of capacity. Particularly notable achievements this year have been the 2009 Flagship Report, Systems Thinking for Health Systems Strengthening, which examines what really works in systems strengthening initiatives, the funding provided by the Government of Norway to the Alliance for a new programme of work on implementation research, and the start of another new line of activity, funded by DFID, to increase the use of evidence in policies to improve access to essential medicines in low- and middle-income countries, especially for the poor


Annual Report 2009: Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2010 (WHO/Alliance HPSR/10.1)