Health taxes: a call for papers

Journal article

Health taxes are levies on products that harm human and planetary health. They are critical policy tools to advance public health; health taxes save and improve millions of lives and generate resources to invest in health and other developmental priorities. Yet emerging evidence suggests how they are framed and developed within their national political, economic and social context matters; indeed, this context shapes implementation and often determines success. To fill this gap, the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, in collaboration with WHO Departments and the Inter-Agency Working Group on Health Taxes, is supporting the development of a series of analytical country case studies to better understand the political economy of advancing health taxes in eight countries (namely, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru and Vietnam). To complement this work and advance the field, we are now issuing an open call for papers for a special issue of BMJ Global Health on health taxes.


Marten, R., J. Paul, T. Tan Torres Edejer, D. Campbell-Lendrum (2022) Health taxes: a call for papersBMJ Global Health 2022;7:e010709.