When ‘solutions of yesterday become problems of today’: crisis-ridden decision making in a complex adaptive system (CAS)—the Additional Duty Hours Allowance in Ghana

Journal article

In this paper we use a case study of the Additional Duty Hours Allowance (ADHA) policy in Ghana to illustrate these points. Using causal loop diagrams, we unpack the intended and unintended effects of the policy and how these effects evolved over time.


Agyepong I, Kodua A, Adjei S, Adam T. When “the solutions of yesterday become the problems of today”: A Case Study of Crisis Ridden Decision Making in a Complex Adaptive System (CAS) – The Additional Duty Hours Allowance in Ghana Crisis ridden decision-making in a complex adaptive system. Health Policy and Planning. 2012;27(Suppl 4):iv20-iv31. doi:10.1093/heapol/czs083