The effects of a people-centred model on longitudinality of care and utilization pattern of healthcare services—Brazilian evidence

Journal article

Brazil is experiencing a time of change in pattern of care: from ‘traditional’ to Family Health Strategy (FHS), a model guided by the principles of people, family and community-centred medicine. The heterogeneity in care currently offered affects primary care impact. This study aims to evaluate the longitudinality of care and correlate this primary care principle to the utilization pattern of care among patients hospitalized due to preventable conditions, comparing the two care models currently offered in Brazil. Findings suggest that the FHS care model, based on the assumptions of people-centred medicine, was associated with better ratings of care continuity, which was reflected in a more appropriate utilization pattern of care services.


Ferrer A, Brentani A, Sucupira A, Navega A, Cerqueira E, Grisi S. The effects of a people-centred model on longitudinality of care and utilization pattern of healthcare services—Brazilian evidence. Health Policy and Planning. 2014;29(suppl 2):ii107-ii113. doi:10.1093/heapol/czu077