Reproductive healthcare utilization in urban poor settlements of Delhi: Baseline survey of ANCHUL (Ante Natal and Child Health care in Urban Slums) project

Journal article

Our objective was to document the extent of disparity in reproductive healthcare utilization among the urban poor and to identify the socio-demographic determinants of underutilization with a view to characterizing this vulnerable subpopulation.


Devasenapathy N, Ghosh-Jerath S, Allen E, Sharma S, Shankar AH and Zodpey S. Reproductive healthcare utilization in urban poor settlements of Delhi: Baseline survey of ANCHUL (Ante Natal and Child Health care in Urban Slums) project. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2015;15(212). doi:10.1186/s12884-015-0635-8, impact factor 2.19)