Improving Access to Medicines For Non-Communicable Diseases in Rural India: A Mixed Methods Study Protocol Using Quasi-Experimental Design

Journal article

This paper presents the protocol of a mixed methods study that aims to understand health system factors that affect utilisation and access to generic medicines for people with non-communicable diseases. The paper describes how the study will shed light on if (and how) a package of interventions targeting primary health centres and community participation platforms affect utilisation and access to generic medicines for people with non-communicable diseases in Tumkur District, Karnataka, India.


Prashanth N, Elias M, Pati M, Aivalli P, Munegowda C, Bhanuprakash S et al. Improving Access to Medicines For Non-Communicable Diseases in Rural India: A Mixed Methods Study Protocol Using Quasi-Experimental Design. BMC Health Services Research. 2016;16(1):421. doi:10.1186/s12913-016-1680-3