Systems for health: everyone has a role

Flagship report

The boundaries of what constitutes health systems are expanding. Health systems need to be reimagined as systems for health that create both healthy populations and health security while supporting the achievement of universal health coverage. In this flagship report, systems for health are defined as systems ready to respond to both known and unknown future threats, hazards and risks; they address social, economic, environmental and commercial drivers of health that are critical to securing and enabling healthier societies. Systems for health not only provide, protect and promote health, but they encompass a broader framing as a complete package capable of delivering physical, mental and social health, quality of life and sustainability for all populations across the life-course. The report concludes by providing practical recommendations for policy-makers, implementers, development partners and communities on developing systems for health that are essential to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.


Shroff, Z. C., R. Marten, K. Hanson, editors (2022). Systems for health: everyone has a role. Flagship report of the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research. Geneva: World Health Organization.