Moving Beyond Diagonal and T-Shaped: Getting the Incentives Right for the Pie Not for the Slice

Journal article

This paper makes the case for the need to go beyond approaches that try to bridge the vertical-horizontal divide in efforts to strengthen health systems. It argues that in order for vertical programmes to contribute to efforts to strengthen health systems there is a need for a paradigm shift and examine costs and benefits of investments at the level of the health system as a whole instead of at the programmatic level. Research is needed to develop indicators to help measure system level efficiency.


Shroff ZC, Ghaffar A, Soucat, A. Moving Beyond Diagonal and T-Shaped: Getting the Incentives Right For the Pie Not For the Slice. Health Systems and Reform. 2017;3(4):261-7. doi: 10.1080/23288604.2017.1366964