Enhancing early tuberculosis detection in Kwazulu-Natal, An annotated bibliography

Project document

This annotated bibliography was prepared for the Kwazulu-Natal Department of Health, as a first stage in further discussions towards a rapid evidence synthesis. The bibliography responded to the commissioners concerns around high tuberculosis death rate despite increased community screening. The bibliography included citations and abstracts for: State of the art series – Active case finding/screening, Systematic and literature reviews on tuberculosis detection, Relevant South African studies


Daniels K, Moloi H, Odendaal W. Enhancing early tuberculosis detection in Kwazulu-Natal: an annotated bibliography. South Africa: SAMRC. 2017 (http://www.samrc.ac.za/sites/default/files/attachments/2019-10-25/TB%20detection%20in%20KZN_Oct%202017.pdf, accessed 22 October 2019)