Integrated community case management of childhood illness in low- and middle-income countries (Protocol)

Project document

This is the protocol for a systematic review that will assess the effectiveness of integrated community case management (iCCM) of childhood illness in low- and middle-income countries. iCCM is an approach to provide integrated case management services for two or more illnesses - including diarrhoea, pneumonia, or malaria among children younger than five years of age at community level, outside of healthcare facilities, by lay health workers where there is limited access to health facility-based case management services.


Oliphant NP, Daniels K, Odendaal WA, Besada D, Manda S, Kinney M et al. Integrated community case management of childhood illness in low- and middle-income countries. (Protocol) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2017;11(CD012882). doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012882