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Contracting-out primary health care services in Tanzania towards UHC: how policy processes and context influence policy design and implementation
One common approach to engaging NSPs is to contract-out the delivery of primary health care services. Research on contracting arrangements has typically focused on their impact on health service delivery; less is known about the actual processes underlying the development and implementation of interventions and the contextual factors that influence these. This paper reports on the design and implementation of service agreements (SAs) between local governments and NSPs for the provision of primary health care services in Tanzania.
Maluka S, Chitama D, Dungumaro E, Masawe C, Rao K, Shroff Z. Contracting-out primary health care services in Tanzania towards UHC: how policy processes and context influence policy design and implementation. International Journal for Equity in Health. 2018;17(118). doi: 10.1186/s12939-018-0835-8