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Using rapid reviews to strengthen health policy and systems and progress towards universal health coverage
Progress towards universal health coverage requires timely evidence to answer questions including the effectiveness of health systems interventions and policies, how and in what settings these interventions work, their cost-effectiveness, as well as the implications of implementing the interventions. Rapid reviews have emerged as an efficient solution to support health policymaking and health systems strengthening by providing quality evidence in a timely and cost-effective manner. Various mechanisms can be used to enhance the timeliness of reviews, including narrowing the scope of the review, intensifying the efforts to simultaneously complete review steps, using review shortcuts, and automating review steps.
Langlois EV, Straus SE, Antony J, King VJ, Tricco AC. Using rapid reviews to strengthen health policy and systems and progress towards universal health coverage. BMJ Global Health. 2019;4:e001178. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2018-001178