The impact of donor transition on continuity of maternal and newborn health service delivery in Rwenzori sub-region of Uganda: a qualitative country case study analysis

Journal article

The transition of donor-supported health programmes to country ownership is gaining increasing attention due to reduced development assistance for health globally. It is further accelerated by the ineligibility of previously Low-Income Countries’ elevation into Middle-income status. Despite the increased attention, little is known about the long-term impact of this transition on the continuity of maternal and child health service provision. Hence, we conducted this study to explore the impact of donor transition on the continuity of maternal and newborn health service provision at the sub-national level in Uganda between 2012 and 2021.


Ssegujja, E., J. Namakula, A. Kabagenyi, C. Kyozira, T. Musila, H. Zakumumpa & F. Ssengooba (2023). The impact of donor transition on continuity of maternal and newborn health service delivery in Rwenzori sub-region of Uganda: a qualitative country case study analysis. Global Health 19, 48 (2023).