How ready is the system to deliver primary healthcare? Results of a primary health facility assessment in Enugu State, Nigeria

Journal article

Primary health centres are an effective means of achieving access to primary healthcare (PHC) in low- and middle-income countries. This study assessed service availability, service readiness and factors influencing service delivery at public PHC centres in Enugu State, Nigeria. This study conducted a cross-sectional study of 60 randomly selected public health centres in Enugu using the World Health Organization’s Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA) survey. The most senior health worker available was interviewed using the SARA questionnaire, and an observational checklist was used for the facility assessment. In conclusion, despite a focus on expanding primary care in Enugu State, significant gaps exist that need to be closed for PHC to make significant contributions towards achieving universal healthcare, core to achieving the health-related Sustainable Development Goal agenda.


Ekenna, A., I. U. Itanyi, U. Nwokoro, L. R. Hirschhorn, and B. Uzochukwu (2020) How ready is the system to deliver primary healthcare? Results of a primary health facility assessment in Enugu State, Nigeria. Health Policy and Planning, Volume 35, Issue Supplement_1, November 2020, Pages i97–i106.